
Mer pengar löser inte allt

Nästa gång någon säger att det behövs mer pengar i skolan kan man hänvisa till den här artikeln:
The idea that good schooling is about spending money is the one that has been beaten back hardest. Many of the 20 leading economic performers in the OECD doubled or tripled their education spending in real terms between 1970 and 1994, yet outcomes in many countries stagnated—or went backwards. Educational performance varies widely even among countries that spend similar amounts per pupil. Such spending is highest in the United States—yet America lags behind other developed countries on overall outcomes in secondary education. Andreas Schleicher, head of analysis at PISA, thinks that only about 10% of the variation in pupil performance has anything to do with money.
Läs hela, inte mycket nytt men bekräftar tesen att fixeringen vid utgifter i skolväsendet är destruktiv.
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